2024-05-17 01:05:02 UTC
The Communist regime in Cuba has a long history of terrorism, and not
just the Marxist kind either.
On Feb. 25th, a Hamas delegation publicly visited Jorge León
Cruz, the Cuban Ambassador in Lebanon. In that meeting,
Ambassador León Cruz recognized the legitimate right of the
Palestinians to defend their land, adding that the
Palestinians are fighting for a just cause.
Cuba has allowed the terrorist organization Hezbollah, also
backed by Iran, to establish an operational base in Cuba,
designed to support terrorist attack throughout Latin America,
according to emails leaked from then US Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton in 2016.
According to US reports, Cuba has provided key intelligence
to Iran, Syria, Hamas, and Hezbollah, to conduct terrorist
And the friendship continues.
Cuba and Iran have long-term relationships with terrorist
groups Hamas and Hezbollah, and a decades-long hostility
toward Israel, a U.S. ally in the Middle East. Since Oct. 7,
Iran and Cuba have publicly backed Hamas and refused to
condemn its terrorist attacks against Israel. Hamas is also
receiving support from Beijing and Moscow.
The Biden administration, whose foreign policy seems to consist of
throwing a dart at a board full of proposals to undermine America,
decided this is the perfect time to take Cuba off the list of terror
Secretary of State Antony Blinken removed Cuba Wednesday from
the State Departments short list of countries that it deems
less than fully cooperative against violent groups.
In a statement, the State Department said Blinken had found
that Cuban and U.S. law enforcement were again working
together on counterterrorism and other efforts.
The State Department had cited Cuba as a not fully
cooperating country in 2022, saying that Cuba had refused to
engage with Colombia in the extradition of members of the
National Liberation Army group.
Colombia later dropped its arrest warrants for those members,
Thats because Colombia is now also run by terrorists and their allies.
As is Washington D.C.
Let's go Brandon!
just the Marxist kind either.
On Feb. 25th, a Hamas delegation publicly visited Jorge León
Cruz, the Cuban Ambassador in Lebanon. In that meeting,
Ambassador León Cruz recognized the legitimate right of the
Palestinians to defend their land, adding that the
Palestinians are fighting for a just cause.
Cuba has allowed the terrorist organization Hezbollah, also
backed by Iran, to establish an operational base in Cuba,
designed to support terrorist attack throughout Latin America,
according to emails leaked from then US Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton in 2016.
According to US reports, Cuba has provided key intelligence
to Iran, Syria, Hamas, and Hezbollah, to conduct terrorist
And the friendship continues.
Cuba and Iran have long-term relationships with terrorist
groups Hamas and Hezbollah, and a decades-long hostility
toward Israel, a U.S. ally in the Middle East. Since Oct. 7,
Iran and Cuba have publicly backed Hamas and refused to
condemn its terrorist attacks against Israel. Hamas is also
receiving support from Beijing and Moscow.
The Biden administration, whose foreign policy seems to consist of
throwing a dart at a board full of proposals to undermine America,
decided this is the perfect time to take Cuba off the list of terror
Secretary of State Antony Blinken removed Cuba Wednesday from
the State Departments short list of countries that it deems
less than fully cooperative against violent groups.
In a statement, the State Department said Blinken had found
that Cuban and U.S. law enforcement were again working
together on counterterrorism and other efforts.
The State Department had cited Cuba as a not fully
cooperating country in 2022, saying that Cuba had refused to
engage with Colombia in the extradition of members of the
National Liberation Army group.
Colombia later dropped its arrest warrants for those members,
Thats because Colombia is now also run by terrorists and their allies.
As is Washington D.C.
Let's go Brandon!