Joe Biden 1996: If Iran attacked a USA facility it is an act of war and ANY retaliation is warranted
(too old to reply)
2020-01-05 20:50:09 UTC
Joe Biden in 1996:
If Iran attacked a USA facility it is an act of war and ANY retaliation
is warranted.

Clinton bombs aspirin factory- attack was warranted

Trump takes out Iranian General planning more attacks on U.S. forces...
... aaand CNN and Democrats are now defending Iran.
Siri Cruise
2020-01-06 12:14:24 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
If Iran attacked a USA facility it is an act of war and ANY retaliation
is warranted.
Yes, Biden has gained wisdom with time. iDJT just rots away. I'm
glad to see you acknowledge it.
:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The first law of discordiamism: The more energy This post / \
to make order is nore energy made into entropy. insults Islam. Mohammed
2020-01-06 12:27:43 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Ubiquitous
If Iran attacked a USA facility it is an act of war and ANY retaliation
is warranted.
Yes, Biden has gained wisdom with time. iDJT just rots away. I'm
glad to see you acknowledge it.
Biden has gained wisdom??? He often does not even know what state he is
in. How anyone could watch him on the campaign trail and say he has
gained wisdom, is laughable.
2020-01-06 11:27:43 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Ubiquitous
If Iran attacked a USA facility it is an act of war and ANY retaliation
is warranted.
Yes, Biden has gained wisdom with time. iDJT just rots away.

5* 6* *7
4* *8
3* *9
2* *10
1* | *stuporous
0* -*- *catatonic
* |\ *comatose
* \ *clinical death
* \ *biological death
* _\/ *demonic apparition
* * *damned for all eternity
2020-01-07 11:13:54 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Ubiquitous
If Iran attacked a USA facility it is an act of war and ANY retaliation
is warranted.
Yes, Biden has gained wisdom with time. iDJT just rots away. I'm
glad to see you acknowledge it.
Has Biden taken back his words? It seems he's hoping that dopes like
you won't know about them.
2020-01-07 18:43:18 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Ubiquitous
If Iran attacked a USA facility it is an act of war and ANY retaliation
is warranted.
Yes, Biden has gained wisdom with time. iDJT just rots away. I'm
glad to see you acknowledge it.
Has Biden taken back his words? It seems he's hoping that dopes like
you won't know about them.
More likely, won't care.

Democrats hate President Trump more than they love this country.
2020-01-08 11:13:24 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Ubiquitous
If Iran attacked a USA facility it is an act of war and ANY retaliation
is warranted.
Yes, Biden has gained wisdom with time. iDJT just rots away. I'm
glad to see you acknowledge it.
Has Biden taken back his words? It seems he's hoping that dopes like
you won't know about them.
Siri has vanished.
2020-01-10 10:22:34 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by NoBody
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Ubiquitous
If Iran attacked a USA facility it is an act of war and ANY retaliation
is warranted.
Yes, Biden has gained wisdom with time. iDJT just rots away. I'm
glad to see you acknowledge it.
Has Biden taken back his words? It seems he's hoping that dopes like
you won't know about them.
Siri has vanished.
Quelle surprise.

Democrats and the liberal media hate President Trump more than they
love this country.
